1. Full name & Gender?
Name: Sad Alien Girl
Gender: Female
2. Species?
Alien from the planet Chromatica
3. Zodiac Sign?
4. 3 fears?
Fitting in at school with the human girls
Being recognized as an alien on the planet Earth
She is totally afraid of driving on Earth, people on Earth are horrible drives compared to rest of the galaxy
5. 3 things I love?
Traveling across the galaxy, she loves to see the universe from different perspectives
Eating french fries with mayo as dip
Listening on people's conversations without them knowing she can hear everything that they are saying
6. 4 turn ons?
Boys with curly hair
People who love to admire natural beauties (plants, stars, etc)
When people compliment her alien features or or human beauty
Human ears, she just is obsessed with them
7. 4 turn offs?
People who lie for attention
Straight haired boys
Fingernails, especially when there is dirt underneath
People who don’t enjoy learning or reading. She can't stand someone that boring.
8. Best friend?
Her pet Tord back home on Chromatica, on Earth she is trying to make a friend.
9. Sexual orientation?
Alien Bi-Sexual
10. Height?
6 feet and 7 inches
11. What do I miss the most?
She misses the feeling of being home on her planet Chromatica, she misses being surrounded by her friends and family, and the sense of security she felt with them.
12. Favorite color?
Pink, obviously
13. My current crush?
Colin Miller the cutest boy at her high school
14. Favorite quote?
“Beep bop beep pop” which in English translates to “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” – T.S Eliot
15. Favorite place?
The planet Chromatica (her home planet)
16. Favorite music?
Electronic pop music or music that comes from animals and plants from different planets as she travels across the universe
17. Favorite Food?
Acetic anhydride, Acetone, Benzyl chloride, Diethyl ether are some of her favorites
18. Eye color?
Changes depending on where she is within the galaxy but most often it is black or pink
19. Hair, fur, scales or skin color?
She has blonde hair, pink alien scales as skin. And she has a large teardrop shaped head. However, her features can change depending on the situation she is in or what planet she is on in the universe.
20. Style?
She loves all things girly and pink. She is trying to wear very femine things as she is trying to fit in on Earth.
21. Last book I read?
The owner's manual to her spaceship
22. Have I ever kissed that last person I texted?
Definitely not, she just got a human cell phone. She thinks the technology is really old school
23. Someone I love?
Colin Miller the cutest boy at her high school, she has the biggest crush on him but so does everyone else in the school.
24. Current relationship status?
Single. Very single.
25. Relationship with my parents?
Feels misunderstood, and not accepted. Lead her to wander off from her home planet and get lost on Earth.
26. Favorite holiday
Slime day on the planet Chromatica
27. Political standing.
There are no political parties in space, she doesn’t really understand why people on Earth fight so much over silly things
28. Tattoos I have.
Her coordinate markings
29. Tattoos I want.
An infinity sign tattoo, seems like that is something everyone on Earth has one. Must mean something on Earth.
30. Last person I hugged.
Her fellow alien, Happy Alien Girl. Her best friend back home.
31. What I did during quarantine.
She has no clue what quarantine is, she just arrived and thought this was how Earth always was.
32. How long does it take me to get ready?
2 minutes at most, depends on if her antennas are curly or not
33. Where am I right now?
Physically she has landed and is stuck on Earth with a broken spaceship, in the meantime she has decided to go to high school on Earth.
34. My main addiction?
Sniffing purple Tickle Ink Plants on other planets, otherwise eating french fries on Earth
35. My profession?
Currently a high school student on the planet Earth, but when she is back home on her planet Chromatica her job is to search around the galaxy for new plants.
36. My education?
Is currently back in high school on Earth, however on her home planet she graduated form the university of Chromatica with the top honors
37. Where I grew up?
The colorful planet Chromatica which is in another galaxy
38. Best 2 personality traits?
39. 2 worst personality traits?
40. What I love most about myself?
My free spirit
41. What I love most about my friends?
They hype a girl up when she’s back home, they make her laugh so hard too.
42. What my friends love most about me? '
My kindness and desire to do crazy things
43. How do I feel right now?
Lost, and insecure. She feels very out of place at high school on Earth and she is trying to fit in
44. My Religion?
Acts of kindness. Kindness is the universal religion in the galaxy
45. My pet(s)?
Her pet Tord (basically a giant alien snail) back home on Chromatica